Worship with us

Weekly Worship Services

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church offers the gifts of Christ, His grace, mercy and love to all by combining traditional Lutheran liturgy with music, fellowship and inspirational sermons. We encourage you to join with us in Christ as we worship Him each Sunday.

9 a.m. Full Service (sung)
11:45 a.m. Spoken Communion Service
6 p.m. Worship & Communion
Sunday Morning Worship
Sacrament of the Altar
Holy Communion is offered on Thursdays and on the first, third and fifth Sunday of every month during both services. Mt. Calvary observes the traditional custom of "closed" communion (meaning that the sacrament is properly shared among those who are in agreement in teaching and practice). If you are uncertain whether you should receive communion with us, please speak with Pastor Long at least 10 minutes before worship. For more information, please see the inside front cover of our weekly Church Bulletin.
We also provide caring support and guidance during milestones in our member’s lives, including baptism, marriage, funerals or memorial services. Please contact Pastor Long directly for more information.
During Worship Services
We pray that our worship services will be a source of strength and inspiration to all of those in attendance, and that the Word proclaimed here will build you up in faith, assure you of God’s love, and help you grow in the spirit of Christ. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your worship experience better.
To minimize distractions, we ask that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to silent mode during the services. Church Bulletins are available before and after each service in the Narthex (entrance lobby).
Ushers are available before, during and after services to help you with seating. If for any reason you should need to leave the Sanctuary, please have one of the ushers assist you.
Large print Bulletins and assisted listening devices are available for those who need them. An usher or elder of the day can provide you with these resources, and can help adjust the Hearing Assist Device.
Nursery & Cry Room
Our nursery is located in the lower level and will be staffed with volunteers during Sunday's 10:45 service. An usher can provide you with directions. We also have a Cry Room located just outside the Sanctuary, available for parents who wish to care for their babies and young children there during services.
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Concordia Lutheran School

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Thought of the Day

Good News?

October 22, 2024 Daily Devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries

Published on: Tuesday, October 22, 2024